Monday, August 9, 2010

K3B To The Rescue

It turns out K3B is a great piece of software for writing optical discs. Brasero and others work for basic stuff, but K3B has saved the day when I could find no other native Linux software to do what needed to be done... namely write a traditional audio CD from a CUE sheet file and one large MP3. This requires the MP3 to be decoded and converted back into WAV format, then the CUE sheet must be used to parse the audio into various tracks of certain length for the audio CD. All other software I tried choked, even command line stuff. K3B JUST WORKED! I didn't want to have to run KDE / QT -based software on my Gnome / GTK -based Ubuntu system because of the extra libraries and resource cost, but considering the time and trouble involved in trying to accomplish something that just won't happen, it's worth it... at least for now. I'll still keep my eyes out for a Gnome / GTK -based application that can use CUE sheets and MP3 files, even though I rarely need to do that.

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